Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Pictures as Promised

I have now returned from my trip to Washington and have a few pictures to share! Top Down: Sunset on Hugs State beach (on our way to Astoria, we didn't make it before sunset so we pulled off), Mhultinoma Fall hike, Part two of the hike, Sunset with Shane, and Me at Old Faithful! (Fair warning: I got a bunch of pictures off of Shanes phone and will soon be doing a my life this summer blog)

Homework stinks! I should have not believed that going to Washington would not have any consequences. Even though I did get everything done that needed to be done before the trip, coming back to "this" week has been killer. I am now reading a book that needs to be done by Friday that is 353 pages long and a report on it! It is not a novel by any means, it is a historical biography. Save me! Exams, Modules, questions, and papers are just a few of the wonders of this week. I love school!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Getting ready to go!

So Shane and I are taking a little adventure this week. We are heading up to Southern Washington for his sister Jess's wedding and instead of making it short and sweet we are staying for about 10 days. We will be traveling just North of Portland and are going to go to Yellowstone on our way up. I am excited to go and relax for a week. I have almost decided that it is not completely worth the stress before hand though. Getting teacher approval, Homework done early, and the stress of packing is just not fun. BUT, It is almost here and I am almost gone. I will post pictures from the trip later!