Thursday, August 27, 2009 I sit. I have no idea what is really ever going on around me and yet I am content to live is the midst of confusion and chaos. It does not even have to be physical chaos, all it could be is the mental turmoil that accompanies a smile or frown. The smallest things can set us off on a wild goose chase of emotions. I have never realized the influence people have on other people. it is a wonder that we don't all give up on one another. But, I guess that without this inner turmoil we would be quite bored in life.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


So I came home for the weekend. Well more like friday night. I have now realized that since I have started working for my mom it may never end... I say this in an extremely positive way. I love the creativity that I get to use as I am putting together a bridal book or working baby pictures! Yes, It can be mundane but I am exited to learn more and more. I do not think this will ever be my chosen path in life but who said that we only had to do the things that lead us to the place we will end up? In my opinion we might as well make a few pit stops along the way and make ourselves a better whole. And maybe someday I will be able to take a picture of my kids that I can at least be proud of.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Back at School and Bored to Death!

So I have now begun my new life (again) in Cedar. I am utterly alone as I sit in the library writing this blog. Its pretty depressing yet still satisfying knowing that I am out on my own once again. I have to say that I was more scared this year then last. I have so many more responsibilities as I prepare the house and all that goes with it. It worries me to think that I have to make a new set of friends again. Of course I will have Josie, Samantha and Amanda but for now I am alone. I hope to begin this year with a new start and with new goals. As I do this I will think of all my family and friends at home that support me all the time! Love you all!